Fighting For Justice With Our Spring Valley, NV Wrongful Death Lawyer
If you have lost someone you love in a tragic accident, you have our deepest sympathies. We know that the grief and loss you feel are compounded by a sense of anger and injustice. If the accident was avoidable or due to someone else’s negligence or malicious action, then you may have grounds to file a wrongful death lawsuit for damages. At CVBN Law LLP, we’ve met many families who are dismayed that the individual who caused their loved one’s death didn’t face jail time, or if they did, only served a few years. We’ve also talked to people who have lost someone they love due to medical malpractice or a contaminated consumer product. In these cases, it’s unlikely that families will see justice in criminal court; you can’t put a corporation or hospital in jail. Our Spring Valley, NV wrongful death lawyer can explain your legal options in a free consultation, including filing a suit for your material and emotional losses. Call us today to get started.
Compassionate Legal Representation In Wrongful Death Claims
A wrongful death claim seeks to compensate families who have lost someone they love due to another party’s (person or entity) negligence. You may demand compensation for funeral and burial costs, loss of income the deceased contributed to the family, and consideration for your emotional trauma and loss of companionship. Our attorneys can file a claim on your behalf and build a case against the at-fault party using evidence, expert witness testimony, and our deep understanding of Nevada wrongful death statutes.
We know that no amount of money can replace your loved one or heal your grief and loss. However, for many people, a wrongful death claim may be the only way to ensure that the party who caused your loved one’s death is held accountable, especially if it was a healthcare facility or corporation. Our evidence and testimony become a matter of public record; all the corporate misdeeds will see the light of day.
The settlement or jury award you receive can also help you and your family achieve dreams you may have shared with a loved one or provide the means to move on with your life.
Types Of Wrongful Death Cases We Litigate
A wrongful death can occur in many situations. The common denominator between all types of cases we handle is that the deceased would have been eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit if they had survived the accident. Contact us if you have lost someone due to:
- Car, truck, or motorcycle collision
- An accident involving a semi-truck or other commercial vehicle
- Contaminated food, drink, or personal care product
- Malfunctioning or defective consumer product
- Workplace injury
- Drunk driving accident
- Assault or malicious action by another person
- Medical malpractice
- Aviation or boating accident
- Theme park or other entertainment venue accident
If you don’t see the specific cause of your loved one’s death here, our Spring Valley wrongful death lawyer may still be able to help you. At CVBN Law LLP, we handle the most complex wrongful death cases and have a solid track record of success in court and out. We invite you to call us today for a free legal consultation.