Our Spring Valley, NV Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Protects Your Rights After A Crash
The Las Vegas area is perfect for motorcycle enthusiasts. From large motorcycle rallies just outside Spring Valley proper to nice weather year-round, there’s plenty of opportunity for hobbyist and commuter riders to be outside on their bikes. But, even with the best helmet, safety gear, and operational training, if you’re struck by another vehicle while you’re riding your motorcycle, there’s a good chance you won’t be walking away from the collision. Many motorcycle accident victims face an uphill battle to secure full and fair compensation after a collision. Let our Spring Valley, NV motorcycle accident lawyer help you secure fair compensation after the wreck.
The attorneys at CVBN Law LLP have decades of combined experience litigating tough motorcycle accident claims. We understand the complexities that differentiate these claims from other traffic accident claims and the right legal approach to overcome them. Our firm offers a free consultation, so please contact us before accepting any settlement offer from the insurance company.
Strong Legal Representation For Motorcycle Accident Victims
Whether you were the motorcycle driver or passenger, you have the right to seek compensation from the party responsible for the wreck. Even single-vehicle accident victims may have a claim for compensation. For example, suppose the city or county responsible for maintaining the roads you were traveling on failed to do so, and dangerous road conditions caused the single-vehicle crash. In that case, we may file a suit against them for negligence. Most of the time, though, defendants in motorcycle accident crashes are other drivers.
Motorcyclists have the same rights to the road as any other vehicle, but as a much-smaller vehicle, they may not always be noticed by distracted drivers. Someone texting and driving or paying more attention to their GPS than the road may not see your vehicle before it’s too late. We gather evidence proving that the other driver was negligent or reckless, then build a case proving their liability for your harm. Then, we can either negotiate a settlement with the driver’s insurance company or take the matter to trial if we’re unable to secure a fair offer from the insurance company.
We Overcome Common Complications In Motorcycle Accident Claims
Motorcycle accident suits are typically high-value, meaning insurance companies will seek any reason to deny or minimize them. Your medical care can easily top six figures, especially if you have a permanent disability or require surgery and lengthy rehabilitative therapy. You are entitled to demand compensation for all medical care stemming from the accident, as well as the cost of replacing your wrecked bike, lost wages if you missed work, and non-economic compensation for your pain and suffering and emotional trauma. We properly value your claim to ensure our demand letter covers everything you’re entitled to.
As your Spring Valley motorcycle accident lawyer, we handle all the legal matters necessary to advance your claim. This includes building an evidence-based case, filing the lawsuit and other legal documents, and communicating with the other side. Don’t settle for less than your claim is truly worth without a call to CVBN Law LLP. We offer a complimentary case review, and you can easily book yours online.